Resources for Law and Gospel study I pray you find these resources helpful in your Christian life and ministry. Law and Grace. Sermon by Charles Spurgeon The Spurgeon Library | Law and Grace Christ the End of the Law. Sermon by Charles Spurgeon The Spurgeon Library | Christ the End of the Law The Spurgeon Library | Jehovah Tsidkenu-The Lord Our Righteousness A chapter from an excellent book. This chapter provides a history of law/gospel and specifically helps with preaching. Mike Abendroth Law and Gospel on American Gospel t.v. A short video series. Martin Luther sermon on law/gospel distinction LutherSermon.pdf ( Lee Irons on the 3rd use of the law. The Law in the Hand of Christ ( The Modern Marrow Man podcast with Tom Hicks and John Divito. Modern Marrow Men on Apple Podcasts Books The Doctrine of Law and Grace Unfolded – John Bunyan. The Doctrine of Law and Grace Unfolded · Great Christian Books · Online Store Powered by Storenvy True Bounds of Christian Freedom - Samuel Bolton. The True Bounds of Christian Freedom - Puritan Paperbacks (Bolton) - Reformation Heritage Books The Whole Christ - Sinclair Ferguson. The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance?Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters (Ferguson) - Reformation Heritage Books The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification – Walter Marshal. The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification (Marshall) - Reformation Heritage Books A Treatise on Law and gospel by John Colquhoun free from Reformation heritage currently A Treatise on the Law and the Gospel (Colquhoun) - Free Edition ( Also some helps to go with it - the-law-and-the-gospel-lecture-notes-template-jan13-v1.pdf ( Perhaps, these last two are more for pastor types. The Marrow of Modern Divinity by E.F. with Thomas Boston’s notes. The Marrow of Modern Divinity (Fisher- Christian Focus Hardcover) - Reformation Heritage Books The Christian Ministry - Charles Bridges. The Christian Ministry (Bridges) - Reformation Heritage Books Law/Gospel Catechism[1] This is the first lesson, to know the right way to the kingdom of heaven and this entails knowing the difference between the law and the gospel. How many ways does the Word of God teach that there are to come into the kingdom of heaven? Two. What are the two ways? The law and the gospel. What does the law have to say? Do this and live. Rom 2:13; 10:5 What does the gospel have to say? Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Rom 10:9 Can we come into the Kingdom of God by way of God’s Law? No. Why not? Because we cannot do it. Rom 3:10 Why can we not do it? Because we are all sinners and born in sin. Rom 3:9, 23 What does it mean to be born in sin? To be naturally bent toward evil. How did it occur that we are all born in sin? Because our first father Adam sinned. Rom 5:12, 18 Does the law help us achieve what it requires? No, it only reveals sin, condemns and kills Rom 3:20; 7:5, 9-11 Which way then do you hope to come to the Kingdom of Heaven? By the Gospel What is the Gospel? The glad words of salvation by Jesus Christ. To whom are the glad words brought: To the righteous? No. Why not? For two reasons. What is the first reason? Because there are none that are righteous and do not sin. What is the second reason? Because if we were righteous without sin we should have no need of Christ Jesus. To whom then is this glad word brought? To sinners. Rom 4:5; 5:6 Are the glad words brought to all sinners? The good news is to be offered to all sinners, but not all will receive Christ’s gift. Rom 10:16, 17 Who then receives the good gift? Only those are saved who through faith alone are grafted into Christ and accept all His benefits. Rom 3:28; 11:16-21 What does the law require? That we should be without sin in perfect obedience What does the gospel require? Nothing, it is a promise to be received by faith alone offering the forgiveness of sin and the righteousness we need. Rom 4:3, 7 The second lesson is knowing how the law and the gospel sweetly comply in the Christian life. Does the law change? No, it is always holy, righteous and good reflecting God’s unchanging character. Rom 7:12 How then can the law and the gospel sweetly comply? Our relationship to the law changes. What do you mean? In the first lesson we are under the law in what is called the “do this and live” sense. What does it mean to be under the law in the “do this and live” sense? We have to obey all the law personally, perfectly and perpetually in order to have eternal life. Once we are justified we are no longer under the law in that sense. The law can no longer condemn us. Rom 7:6; 8:1 In what sense are we under the law as believers then? As a rule of life. What does it mean to be under the law as a rule of life? Two things: First, It means God has revealed to us how He wants us to live. Rom 2:18; 13:9-10 What is the second? That we obey because we have life, not in order to get life. We want to please our Father. Rom 6 For an unbeliever the law teaches us of our sin and misery? Right. As believers keeping God’s law is the holy and happy way of living? Right. Can you summarize these lessons? Yes. For an unbeliever the law teaches us of our sin and misery. The law is opposed to the gospel. As believers the law and the gospel work together. As believers, how is the law useful? It is a light to our path to guide us how to live in a way that pleases our Lord. Rom 12:1-16:27 As believers how is the gospel useful? It motivates us out of gratitude to live in a way pleasing to our Lord. Because of the salvation we have been given we serve God. Rom 12:1-2 God speaks in two words: the law and the gospel. There is a danger in either confusing or separating them. The law commands and the gospel gives. The law says, “Do” and the gospel says, “Done!” Both are good, but God does different things through them. The law is everything in Scripture that God commands. The gospel is everything in Scripture that makes promises based solely on God’s grace to us in Christ. When it comes to how we receive the promises, law and gospel are opposed, for we are saved apart from the law. The law condemns us, while the gospel is the good news that announces our justification that we are free for the first time to embrace God as our Father rather than our Judge. Lutheran and Reformed traditions distinguish three uses of the law: to expose our guilt and drive us to Christ, a civil use to restrain evil, and to guide Christian obedience. – Horton, Core Christianity, 128. The basic principle in application is to know whether the passage is a statement of the law or of the gospel. For when the Word is preached, the law and the gospel operate differently. The law exposes the disease of sin, and as a side-effect, stimulates and stirs it up. But it provides no remedy for it. However the gospel not only teaches us what is to be done, it also has the power of the Holy Spirit joined to it…A statement of the law indicates the need for a perfect inherent righteousness, of eternal life given through the works of the law, of the sins which are contrary to the law and of the curse that is due them… By contrast, a statement of the gospel speaks of Christ and his benefits, and of faith being fruitful in good works (The Art of prophesying, 1592, repr. Banner of Truth Trust, 1996, 54-55). – William Perkins Distinguishing between the law and the gospel is the highest art in Christendom, one who every person who values the name Christian ought to recognize, know, and possess. Where this is lacking, it is not possible to tell who is a Christian and who is a pagan or Jew. That much is at stake in this distinction. - Martin Luther, The Distinction between the Law and Gospel,” January 1, 1532, Willard Burce, translator, Concordia Journal 18 (April 1992), 153. [1]Catechism Inspired by William Twisse (1578–1646). This one is based on Romans. Comments are closed.
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